Zhongshan Epoxy Floor What do you do not know
Release date:2017-11-24 Author:天柏小编 Click:
Zhongshan Epoxy Floor, some basic functional properties: smooth, bright, wear-resistant pressure, anti-acid and so on. However, few people know the functional properties of the other side of Zhongshan Epoxy Floor Paint. The following introduces the lesser-known function of the epoxy paint on the other side of Zhongshan.
1, thermal conductivity. The user decides that the cooling and heating of the foot floor is very different and subjective. In addition to room and floor temperatures, the thermal conductivity of Zhongshan Epoxy Floor is the most important factor. The lower the value of the thermal conductivity (0.5 W/mk), the more pronounced the feeling. In addition to this indicator, the subjective influence of color cannot be underestimated (using warm or cool colors).
2, anti-ultraviolet properties. The epoxy resin floor should have stable mechanical properties throughout its service life. A criterion for judging whether this demand is met is whether or not Zhongshan Epoxy Floor Coating has moderate or high UV stability. Depending on the conditions of use, light radiation, especially high-energy ultraviolet radiation, has a strong effect on the resin floor. The destructive effect leads to its discoloration or reduced performance.
3, the resistance to roller pressure on the chair. The diameter of the roller on the office chair is very small, thus creating a large local load on the floor, which creates an additional pressure on the floor as the chair moves. Experts say that only floor systems that have been tested to withstand this load can be chosen.
4, the ability to bridge cracks. This is related to the structural load and the dynamic load. What impact does vibration and traffic wear on the floor have on the floor? How important is it to avoid cracks? In certain areas of the project, such as in outdoor parking lots, in areas with corrosive liquids, or in "clean rooms." "Zhongshan Epoxy Floor Construction Surface must have dynamic crack bridging capability. Or stress seams or active seams to prevent subsequent cracking.
5, impact noise damping. Industrial Zhongshan Epoxy floor paint is often used in halls, corridors, exhibition rooms and sales areas, but the standards here are quite different from those of conventional epoxy resin floors. Unlike floors that are subject to high loads, floor surfaces at offices, hospitals, etc. have relatively different external conditions. Usually the use of the floor is walking or standing. Because of this, we recommend the use of a flexible floor system that is non-slip and comfortable.
6, a variety of colors. Everyone has experienced the impact of the reflected light of Zhongshan Epoxy Floor Paint on color and color on human body energy and emotions. Therefore, working in a harmonious color environment will be beneficial to one's behavior and health, and colors can also be used. Make a distinction between different working areas such as traffic areas or directions.
This article URL:http://enzstb188.mycn86.cn/news/369.html
Related tags:中山环氧地坪
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