How to deal with scratches in Zhongshan epoxy floor?
Release date:2017-11-24 Author:天柏小编 Click:
For customers with high requirements on moisture resistance, it is recommended to do waterproofing before the epoxy floor, so that the waterproof function can be well reflected, and the epoxy floor anticorrosion, waterproof and dustproof , Easy maintenance, low maintenance costs, and the overall appearance of the floor clean and bright.
Epoxy floor acceptance criteria:
1, the ambient temperature of 25 °C, 2-3 days after the construction should be to achieve dry, that is, the hardness reaches about 80% of the completion of curing;
2, the surface can not appear sticky phenomenon;
3, bubbles: flat-coated, mortar-type bubble, self-leveling allows a small bubble / 10 square meters;
4, leveling is good, no knife marks, a large area of the interface is basically flat;
5, no floating color hair, uniform color, large area interface allows very obvious color difference;
6, no coarse impurities, but allow the floating dust in the air drop caused by the smallest defects;
7, the floor surface should be smooth, the gloss should meet the design requirements (high gloss ≥ 90, light ≥ 70, half light 50 ~ 70), flat-coated type is light, water is semi-light ~ no light;
8, orange peel, mortar anti-slip surface effect should be very obvious.
First of all, to analyze the causes of scratches in Zhongshan Epoxy Floor, the production of brush marks on Epoxy floor mainly comes from two major reasons: the coating itself and construction reasons:
1, the coating itself is mainly due to the poor leveling of the epoxy floor paint used, the coating viscosity is too high. Thixotropic fillers or auxiliaries.
2. Construction reasons: The construction method is wrong, the construction time of the epoxy floor paint is too long after mixing, the surface treatment of the drum is wrong, the solution of the brush marks on the thin epoxy floor is solved, and the paint itself pays attention, and the other is the construction. Method to note:
1, Zhongshan Epoxy floor paint, increase the leveling of the coating, reduce the viscosity of the coating, as much as possible to reduce the thixotropic fillers and additives, with particular attention to the wall coating leveling agent used in the floor coating The phenomenon.
2, pay attention to the construction method, epoxy floor paint coating curing time not too long. Roller from the two ends to the rounded corners, the thickness of the coating should not be less than 0.15mm.
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Related tags:中山环氧地坪
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